As a freelancer web developer usually I work with clients who prefer to let me handle his hosting too, so the idea of bringing them to a host that I own and make a profit out of it appeared in my mind.
The main problem I faced was always mail related limitations as:
- Stupid web mail interfaces
- Arabic encoding problems in the web mail interfaces
- Mailbox spaces related problems –As it’s eating from my current hosting space-
- Limited attachment size Google Apps was the ultimate solution for all these problems, simply you have to create an account for your domain HERE and the wizard will take you through the whole process and finally you’ll be providing your clients the best mail services ever branded by their domain.
After a medium investigation included testing a some available solutions I’ve found the 2 below easy steps to make it work:
1. Add the following code under tag </configSections>:
<smtp from=”” deliveryMethod=”Network”>
<network host=”” port=”587″ userName=” ” password=”password”/>
- Replace “” with an exist Google mail account
- Replace “password” with this mail password
Dim email As New Net.Mail.MailMessage
email.From = New Net.Mail.MailAddress(“”)
email.Body = “Message body”
email.Subject = “Message subject”
email.IsBodyHtml = True
Dim client As New Net.Mail.SmtpClient()
client.EnableSsl = True
- Replace with the receiver mail
- Replace with the sender mail
- Replace “Message body” and “Message subject” with your appropriate text
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